
A little bit of Haul: April 2012~

Woohoo~!! Another Haul~ xD

Well who doesn't like haul? :p

so exciting~~ x)

Anyway today I'm gonna show you all the stuff that I bought throughout this week. And psssttt all of them is high end brand :p

I personally doesn't own a lot of high end brand, I just bought some when I have extra money. Honestly I am a huge fan of high end brand such as Make Up For Ever, Bobbi Brown, Lancome, Shiseido, Kanebo, Shu Uemura, etc because I think that a lot of their stuff is really worth their price. But because I don't have a lot of money I couldn't really buy a lot of high end products. :p

So let me just show you everything that I bought~

Hahahaha yes! only 3 items~ :p I know some of you guys might think that I'm making a big fuss for just these 3 items. ;)

Well that's actually true because I've been wanting these 3 items for yearssssssssssssss~
Anyway I'm still thinking whether I should review these products or not. Because you know there are tons and tons of beauty blogger that has already reviewed this products, so I guess my review is not neccessery. :p

Anyway let me know if you want me to review these products!
Until next time, take care guys~ x)


  1. would love to read your point of views on the products mention! :D


  2. Uwohhhh MUFE HD!!! 8D im so gonna buy this! Bagus ga jia? XD

    1. bagusss banget ci x) kmrn ini aku dapet voucher mufe 50,000 sama voucher bobbi brown 100,000 jadi borong deh hihihihi :D

    2. oke, definitely gonna but it. Kira2 murahan di Sg ato jakarta yah? hmmm

    3. hmmmmm di sg kyknya 60an dollar deh kalo disini 470k sama aja mestinya paling beda dikit :)

  3. aw...awesome Make up forever HD foundation...
    pengen beli jadinya..bnyk yg blg bagus...

    btw I give you an award
    http://lovelyweigoddess.blogspot.com/2012/04/blogger-appreciation-award.htmlbtw I give you an award

  4. Hey, I'd love to hear your thoughts on MUFE HD!
    What shade did you get? I'm thinking of buying it, but I live in Australia.. di sini gak ada MUFE :(


    1. I got my shades in 115 :) wah sayang bgt yah ga ada MUFE di aussie :(.. Thanks anyway for visiting my blog ~ :D Hope we can get closer and know each other better > <


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Hi readers! My name is Ferina Tan from Indonesia, currently a fashion design student. I love all beauty-related stuff! (esp. makeup and fashion!) xD Contact me: sweetmiria@hotmail.com
